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three-dimensional automated breast ultrasonography.

Up to now mammography, breast tomosynthesis, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance have been used in Latvia for breast health prevention. For breast cancer screening, the primary method of examination is mammography, but for in-depth examination – ultrasonography.


Restrictions on the methods of breast screening are most often associated with the technical features of the mammography examination, that is, in the case of dense mammary glands, correct diagnostics is difficult because of the difficulty of detecting a pathology on the basis of dense tissue and the lack of specialists in Latvia poses accessibility difficulties.


These limitations are eliminated by the latest and up to now the only in Latvia 3D automated breast ultrasonography method. Examination is carried out with equipment SIEMENS ACUSON S2000 ABVS.  


What is 3D automated breast ultrasonography and for who is it recommended?


An ultrasound examination is done in a standardized way; the image array is fully saved, allowing comparison of the examinations performed.


The examination is usually painless (taking into account individual peculiarities and sensitivities), is not related to harmful radiation, it is safe to repeat.


The study is recommended for young women, women with dense breast structure, after mammography, if it is prescribed by a specialist.


The spatial information obtained in the examination is transmitted to the data processing workstation for describing examination. Qualified specialists, based on the European breast examination guidelines, analyze the examination data and draw up a description.


3D automated breast ultrasonography is available at the new MFD Mobile diagnostics unit on trips to regions of Latvia located far from regional healthcare facilities that provide breast examinations.


MFD Healthcare group invites family doctors in regions to inform patients about possibilities to take 3D automated breast ultrasonography examinations. Further information for clients and doctors is available by phone 25431313 or e-mail diagnostika AT mfd DOT lv, as well as on the MFD Healthcare group website


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