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By completing this form, you will send an application for state funded magnetic resonance (MR) examination. After sending the application, we will contact you within 3 working days by your phone number! Please give active phone number by which we can contact you! Please note that we call no more than 5 times within 5 days.

We inform that the state funded MR examination will be available within one month. Patient fee for examination without contrast – 28.46 EUR.
Important! We do not provide state funded examinations with contrast agent! If you have a referral to the examination with contrast, you cannot apply for this examination.

Please apply to the examination only in case if you already have referral from specialist who has a contract with The National Health Service (NHS) (family doctors’ referral is not valid)!

Please note, that state funded examinations are limited!

* Required fields

Saskaņā ar Ukrainas civiliedzīvotāju atbalsta likuma 16.panta otro daļu, SIA “Dziedniecība” nodarbinātām Ukrainas ārstniecības personām tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības personas profesionālās darbības veikšanai nepieciešamā saziņa, proti – pēc pacienta pieprasījuma, kā arī vienojoties ar pacientu, pakalpojuma saņemšanas laikā tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības persona, kura var nodrošināt saziņu valsts valodā.