Day Hospital
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Day Hospital


Professional help in the comfortable conditions

In June 2013 on the Bullu street 9 in Riga, Latvia, a new Day hospital was opened, which main aim is to provide day hospital services in a high quality for anyone who wants to get professional help in comfortable conditions in the shortest period of time.


The rooms of the Day hospital are equipped with modern apparatus, operations are carried out by highly qualified professionals with broad experience in operational work. Indeed cozy hospital rooms make the patient's recovery time pleasant and different from the traditional hospital environment.


The Day hospital work was started by providing some gynecological surgeries performed by a professional team of gynecologists. Now services also include proctological surgeries. The ENT and other operations will be provided soon, because we truly care about desires and needs of every patient.




Saskaņā ar Ukrainas civiliedzīvotāju atbalsta likuma 16.panta otro daļu, SIA “Dziedniecība” nodarbinātām Ukrainas ārstniecības personām tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības personas profesionālās darbības veikšanai nepieciešamā saziņa, proti – pēc pacienta pieprasījuma, kā arī vienojoties ar pacientu, pakalpojuma saņemšanas laikā tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības persona, kura var nodrošināt saziņu valsts valodā.