S. Eizensteina Street 23 (Mezciems)
Women’s health centre „VITA” offers:
- breast exam, pelvic, Pap smear and other tests
- treatment of gynaecological illnesses
- therapeutic procedures And manipulations
- all types of ultrasonography
- family planning and choice of contraception
- classes for upcoming parents
- state-funded pregnancy monitoring
- post labour period checkups
- cardiotocography
- sexually transmitted disease diagnostics and treatment
- infertility diagnostic and treatment
- solution for problems that may arise during menopause
- hormonal therapy
- endocrinological problems within the gynaecology
The women’s health centre "Vita" is a paid centre that offers:
- State-funded pregnancy management: Within the framework of this program, visits to a gynaecologist, ultrasonography and tests are paid for a pregnant woman in accordance with Appendix 1 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations Nr. 611 of 25.07.2006 on "Assistance to pregnant women before and after childbirth" (in accordance with the "Program to improve the health of mothers and children for 2012-2014" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers).
- State-funded cervical cancer screening: Only the microscopic examination of a smear (oncocytological analysis) is paid from the state budget, but the fee for a visit to the doctor is charged in accordance with the approved price list of the centre.
Our specialists:
- Dr.Viktorija Rezņika-Martova - gynaecologist, US specialist
- Dr.Aija Tula-Rijkure - gynaecologist, US specialist
Working hours:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Dr Rezņika-Martova |
15:00-19:00 |
Dr Tula-Rijkure |
14:00-19:00 |