Information for persons with disabilities
- At the MFD Doctor’s office “Saharova 20a”, which is located in Riga, Prūšu street 13, the location of the cabinets is shown on the information board.
- All rooms have environmental availability and availability of services for people with special needs and disabilities.
- Reception staff and Doctor’s office staff helps persons with disabilities to enter the building and move around the premises.
- In order to inform staff and insure a more convenient and timely receipt of health care for persons with disabilities, it’s possible to apply in advance for health care services by phone: 66102066 or by e-mail prusu AT mfd DOT lv
- Health care services for persons with hearing impairments are provided, using a visual information and, if necessary, correspondence.
- Health care services for persons with visual disabilities are provided, if necessary, with the involvement of staff, for providing convenient mobility and other kind of support.
- Health care services for persons with mental disorders are provided in easily understandable language and, if necessary, using pictograms (symbol system).
- Additional information on the possibility for persons with special needs and disabilities get healthcare services in the outpatient hospital may be obtained by phone: 66102066.
- The nearest Outpatient hospital where it is possible to receive health care services for persons with functional disorders is:
- MFD Outpatient hospital “Dziedneicība", Rušonu Street 15 (67131313).