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Dental hygienist Ariana Golovača is starting admissions at MFD Doctors' office "Ziepniekkalns"!

Dental hygienist Ariana Golovača is starting admissions at MFD Doctors' office "Ziepniekkalns"! Several signs can indicate the need to visit a dental hygienist: Bleeding gums Tooth sensitivity Constantly dry mouth Yellow teeth Bad breath A cracked tooth ! Children under 18 years of age can visit a dental... Read more →

From 14.02.2023 Surgeon Artūrs Perekrests will start admissions at the MFD Doctorate "Ziepniekkalns".

From 14.02.2023 Surgeon Artūrs Perekrests will start admissions at the MFD Doctorate "Ziepniekkalns". Reception hours: Tuesdays from 8:00-13:00 In which cases should you consult a surgeon: Burns and frostbite Diseases of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. Various formations. Purulent surgical diseases: boils,... Read more →

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Surgeon at the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns''

Surgeon at the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns'' Surgeon Jevgenijs MAslobojevs starts accept patients at the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns''. Working hours: Wednesday: 09.00 - 12.00 Additional information and signing up at: Doctors' Office... Read more →

Child psychiatrist at the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns''

Child psychiatrist at the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns'' Child psychiatrist Gunārs Trimda starts accept patients at the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns''. A child psychiatrist is a doctor who specialized in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of children's emotional and behavioral disorders. ... Read more →

Urologist at the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns''

Urologist at the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns'' At the MFD Doctors' Office ''Ziepniekkalns'' urologist Jurijs Fiļins perform various types of urological examinations, including a cystoscopy examinations. The examination is conducted with a flexible cystoscope that provides a significantly more... Read more →


Saskaņā ar Ukrainas civiliedzīvotāju atbalsta likuma 16.panta otro daļu, SIA “Dziedniecība” nodarbinātām Ukrainas ārstniecības personām tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības personas profesionālās darbības veikšanai nepieciešamā saziņa, proti – pēc pacienta pieprasījuma, kā arī vienojoties ar pacientu, pakalpojuma saņemšanas laikā tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības persona, kura var nodrošināt saziņu valsts valodā.