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Information for persons with disabilities

  1. At the MFD Doctor’s office which is located in Riga, Aglonas street 35/3, the location of the cabinets is shown on the information board.
  2. All rooms have environmental availability and availability of services for people with special needs and disabilities.
  3. Reception staff and Doctor’s office staff helps persons with disabilities to enter the building and move around the premises.
  4. In order to inform staff and insure a more convenient and timely receipt of health care for persons with disabilities, it’s possible to apply in advance for health care services by phone: 67898244, 26512178 or by e-mail prusu AT mfd DOT lv a35arsti AT mfd DOT lv or marina.mihailovska AT mfd DOT lv .
  5. Health care services for persons with hearing impairments are provided, using a visual information and, if necessary, correspondence.
  6. Health care services for persons with visual disabilities are provided, if necessary, with the involvement of staff, for providing convenient mobility and other kind of support.
  7. Health care services for persons with mental disorders are provided in easily understandable language and, if necessary, using pictograms (symbol system).
  8. Additional information on the possibility for persons with special needs and disabilities get healthcare services in the outpatient hospital may be obtained by phone: 67898244, 26512178.
  9. The nearest Outpatient hospital  where it is possible to receive health care services for persons with functional disorders is:
  • MFD Outpatient hospital “Dziedneicība", Rušonu Street 15 (67131313).

Saskaņā ar Ukrainas civiliedzīvotāju atbalsta likuma 16.panta otro daļu, SIA “Dziedniecība” nodarbinātām Ukrainas ārstniecības personām tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības personas profesionālās darbības veikšanai nepieciešamā saziņa, proti – pēc pacienta pieprasījuma, kā arī vienojoties ar pacientu, pakalpojuma saņemšanas laikā tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības persona, kura var nodrošināt saziņu valsts valodā.