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Electroencephalography (EEG)

An electroencephalography (EEG) examination is a method of examining the brain, during which the bioelectrical activity of the brain is recorded. It is used in the diagnosis of epilepsy, migraine-type headaches, attacks of unclear cause with movement, sensation and consciousness disorders, as well as in cases of unconsciousness. The electroencephalography method is also used in psychiatry and in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. Examination duration – 30 min.

During the examination, 20 or more electrodes are placed on the patient's head, which record signals from different areas of the cerebral cortex. Electrocardiography electrodes are also placed on the patient's palms. The examination is harmless to the patient, and after its completion, you can safely go about your day.


You must come to the examination with clean, dry hair (without styling products - waxes, varnishes, gels, etc.). Before the examination, the hair will have to be released, so we do not recommend complicated hairstyles. Traces of the gel applied during the examination may remain in the hair.

The earrings will have to be removed from the ears.

All medicines prescribed by doctors should be taken, including anti-epileptic drugs.

MFD Outpatient hospital ''Dziedniecība''

  • Sandra Orbidāne





Patient contribution for a state-paid electroencephalography examination






Saskaņā ar Ukrainas civiliedzīvotāju atbalsta likuma 16.panta otro daļu, SIA “Dziedniecība” nodarbinātām Ukrainas ārstniecības personām tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības personas profesionālās darbības veikšanai nepieciešamā saziņa, proti – pēc pacienta pieprasījuma, kā arī vienojoties ar pacientu, pakalpojuma saņemšanas laikā tiek nodrošināta ārstniecības persona, kura var nodrošināt saziņu valsts valodā.