Plasmorevitalization (PRP) at MFD Outpatient hospital "Pārdaugava"

Date added: 25 08 2023

Plasmorevitalization (PRP) - is skin rejuvenation with platelet-rich plasma.

Blood plasma injections are a unique method of facial rejuvenation without surgery, which is based on the use of the patient's plasma.

When platelet-enriched plasma is injected into problem areas, it activates the functioning of connective tissue cells and activates the biological mechanism of the skin's natural regeneration.

Under the influence of plasma injection, the cells located in the deeper layers of the dermis begin to synthesize collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which ensures smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

This method is an advanced direction of aesthetic medicine, which is widely used in leading world clinics.

Indications for the procedure:

  • skin changes associated with ageing (reduced elasticity, appearance of wrinkles)
  • reduced skin firmness
  • skin dryness and peeling
  • tired, relaxed, "grey", pigmented skin
  • inflamed sebaceous glands (acne)
  • skin rehabilitation after peeling (laser or chemical peeling)
  • allergic reactions on the skin caused by medications, sun exposure, vitamin mesotherapy or other reasons

Results of the procedure:

  • natural skin regeneration
  • increase in skin elasticity
  • the disappearance of blue circles under the eyes
  • the disappearance of wrinkles and lines, including fine reticular lines
  • delaying skin aging
  • restoration of smooth, healthy, glowing facial skin
  • reduction of allergic reactions and skin irritation

Injection areas:

Procedures are performed on the face, neck, décolleté, arms and legs. In the scalp to promote hair growth.

Take care of your sun-damaged skin!

MFD Outpatient Hospital "Pārdaugava"

Riga, Vienības gatve 109


We invite you to apply by calling 67131316 or writing to pardaugava AT mfd DOT lv

MFD Healthcare group began its history more than 50 years ago as an outpatient health care facility. At this moment the MFD is one of the largest multi-profile healthcare company that provides a wide range of health care services to more than 400 000 patients in different locations in Riga and Latvia. By using the latest technologies and excellent medical experience, MFD main objective is to take care of the health of the population by ensuring timely disease prevention, as well as providing effective diagnostic and treatment services.

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