MFD doctor’s office "Mezciems" offers massage

Date added: 07 09 2011

September 7, 2011 - MFD doctor’s office „Mezciems” (Riga, 23 Eizensteina Str.), starts offering therapeutic massage.

Massage has a positive effect on all functional systems of the body, and that is why it is very important how professional it is.

At the MFD doctor’s office “Mezciems” massage services are provided both to adults and children by the certified masseur Irina Levcuk, who has medical education and many years of professional experience. The specialist as well provides acupuncture.

Therapeutic massage is recommended in the following cases:

  • spine diseases (osteochondrosis, deformation, osteoarthritis, etc.);

  • musculoskeletal system diseases, including after surgery;

  • lung and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

MFD doctor’s office "Mezciems" as well offers consultations of these professionals: endocrinologist, gynecologist, obstetrician, cardiologist, neurologist, dentist (including pediatric), functional examinations: ultrasonography, echocardiography, dopplerography, electrocardiography); and blood tests.

Are available both State paid and charge medical services.

MFD Healthcare group has agreements with all Latvian insurance companies.

For more information and to sign up for a visit please call 67436638.

Information about MFD Healthcare Group on Internet –


Mediciniska Firma "Dziednieciba" (MFD) - a part of MFD Healthcare Group - started its rich history more than 40 years ago. Nowadays MFD is one of the largest Latvian medical companies, which provides a wide range of medical services to more than 200’000 patients in different locations in Riga and Latvia.

For Further Information Contact:

MFD Healthcare Group
Medical Firm Dziednieciba
Rushonu St. 15
Riga  LV-1057
Tel: (371) 62-25-58-23
Fax: (371) 67-18-84-60
E-mail: info AT mfd DOT lv

MFD Healthcare group began its history more than 50 years ago as an outpatient health care facility. At this moment the MFD is one of the largest multi-profile healthcare company that provides a wide range of health care services to more than 400 000 patients in different locations in Riga and Latvia. By using the latest technologies and excellent medical experience, MFD main objective is to take care of the health of the population by ensuring timely disease prevention, as well as providing effective diagnostic and treatment services.

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