Women's health center "Vita"
Women’s health is the quality of our future!
Question on how to find the right doctor – gynecologist has always been an issue for a women.
Whom should we consult with? How to choose the doctor? Where to search for references?
It is substantially important to find the Doctor who satisfies by all the parameters – location, experience, attitude towards patient, as well as simply atmosphere in the doctor’s office.
Women’s Health Center „Vita” is doing the best to serve its clientele to the highest standards.
We provide our clients with highly qualified doctors who will take time and check back to your health history in case you are visiting our centre for first time. Our doctors will evaluate your problem and come back with professional solutions.
Women’s health center „VITA” offers:
- breast exam, pelvic, Pap smear and other tests
- treatment of gynecological illnesses
- therapeuticall procedures And manipulations
- all types of ultrasonography
- family planning and choice of contraception
- classes for upcoming parents
- state funded pregnancy monitoring
- post labor period check ups
- kardiotokography
- sexually transmitted disease diagnostics and treatment
- infertility diagnostic and treatment
- solution for problems that may arise during menopause
- hormonal therapy
- endocrinalogical problems within gynecology
We offer different discount possibilities to our regular customers.
Information about our customers is highly confidential at all times.
You are always welcome at our Health Centers “Vita”!