MFD Outpatient hospital "Pardaugava" takes full care of the patient's health by planning, organizing and implementing even the most complex treatment to achieve an effective outcome.
Our team consists of specialists to whom you can entrust your health and be confident that you are served by professionals.
Alergologs | Dace Kārkliņa |
Larisa Ostapenko (UKR) | |
Ultrasonogrāfija/Neirologs | Andrejs Skorodumovs |
Maija Dzirgause | |
Ultrasonogrāfija galvas/kakla asinsvadi | Ildze Rozenšteina |
Ultrasonogrāfija | Vladislavs Kopitkovs |
Elita Maļarenko | |
Alvis Murāns | |
Sergejs Maļikovs | |
Terēze Veinberga | |
Dermatologs/Venerologs/Trihologs | Jevgenija Čumakova |
Dermatologs/Venerologs (klātiene/online) | Lāsma Kalnbērza |
Dermatologs/venerologs | Inga Mētra |
Bērnu endokrinologs | Iveta Dzīvīte-Krišāne |
Endokrinologs | Nataļja Kapļa |
Liene Akmene | |
Simona Saukuma | |
Endoskopists | Ēriks Čiblis |
Fizioterapeits | Karlīna Gobiņa |
Viktorija Kolmakova | |
Irēna Lapinska-Žideliūniene | |
Gastroenterologs (tikai konsultācijas) | Andris Romašovs |
Ginekologs | Indra Bergmane |
Jūlija Jurgaitīte | |
Renāte Kraule | |
Irina Rumjanceva | |
Ginekologs (arī lāzera procedūras) | Diāna Agruma |
Irina Storožakova | |
Ginekologs (t.sk. bērnu un pusaudžu ginekologs) | Lāsma Līdaka |
Bērnu hematoonkologs | Irēna Voitoviča |
Homeopāts | Inta Zeltiņa |
Internists (Terapeits) | Vita Švarcberga |
Kardiologs | Līga Liepa |
Oļegs Orlovs | |
Kardiologs (tikai EHOkardiogrāfija) | Viktorija Skuja |
Kardiologs, aritmologs | Evija Kanašniece |
Logopēds | Viktorija Akermane |
Masieris | Normunds Grieznis |
Natālija Jermolajeva | |
Inta Gintaute | |
Arnolds Justs | |
Zemūdens masāžas | Irina Karņicka |
Marina Razdjakonova | |
Nefrologs | Maija Motivāne |
Neirologs | Iveta Auce |
Neirologs (neirosonoloģiskie izmeklējumi) | Anda Zeile |
Bērnu neirologs | Gunta Užāne |
Medicīnas doktors/Neirologs | Inta Freimane |
Neirologs, rehabilitologs | Iryna Malakhova (UKR) |
Neiroķirurgs/Vertebrologs | Rihards Ļuļēns |
Oftalmologs | Dmytro Chyhrynov (UKR) |
Līva Strucinska | |
Volodymyr Tverdyi (UKR) | |
Bērnu ortopēds, traumatologs | Uldis Bergmanis |
Ortopēds/Traumatologs | Juris Jukonis |
Kaspars Ūdris | |
Viktors Vestermanis | |
Otolaringologs | Inga Bite |
Maija Plahotina | |
Silva Rozenberga | |
Tetiana Trush (UKR) | |
Pneimonologs (Pulmonologs) | Anželika Koševacka |
Podologs | Nataļja Baldaševiča |
Sņežana Savčenko | |
Primārās aprūpes ārsts (Pediatrs) | Larisa Zaharova |
Proktologs/Ķirurgs/Onkologs | Mihails Ažipa |
Proktologs/Ķirurgs | Valērijs Ratobiļskis |
Psihiatrs | Ilze Dobrā |
Liena Jorena | |
Klīniskais psihologs | Antra Ločmele |
Psihoterapeits | Natālija Voļperte |
Reimatologs | Profesore Daina Andersone |
Andrejs Ščegoļevs | |
Topošo vecāku skola (vecmāte) | Linda Rubene |
Urologs | Viktorija Ļu |
Jurijs Fiļins | |
Ķirurgs | Viktors Borošenko |
Sergejs Gusačenko | |
Dmitrijs Sergejevs | |
Dagmāra Pandere |
To find out about other specialists that are available at the MFD Outpatient hospital «Pardaugava», please contact us by phone 67131316.
*In accordance with the second part of Article 16 of the Law on the Support of Civilians of Ukraine, Ukrainian medical persons employed by SIA "Dziedniecība" are provided with the necessary communication for the professional activity of the medical person, namely - at the request of the patient, as well as by agreement with the patient, a medical person is provided during the service, which can provide communication in the national language.